Top 10 ways to avoid ever getting cancer in the first place

Millions of humans binge on junk food every meal and think doctors will be able to “fix” their health problems later with medicine and surgery. So what exactly is “junk food,” because most people think what they’re eating is not really “that bad.” Plus, most diets people choose are the ones that cater to their weaknesses, and that food regimen simply includes more junk science substitutes – replacing one chemical-laden food choice with another, and another, and another. It’s a costly cycle with the ultimate price being your life.

Cancer doesn’t show up over night, in fact, it’s a cumulative effect from overloading your body with toxins day after day, year after year. Consuming toxic foods daily and hoping cancer won’t eventually kick in is like walking on the edge of a cliff with a blindfold on… hoping everything will be just fine. It’s not that difficult to join the cancer prevention mission, and you don’t have to give up all the food you love, just take off the “blindfold” and stay on the safe paths, away from the cliff’s edge.

Cancer is not inherited and it’s not contagious, so get smart and prevent it

The type of cancer that 1 in 3 Americans get is not contagious and you’re not born with it. Still every medical doctor in America wants to talk about whether it “runs in the family” and wants to “find a cure” using chemical medicine, which will never happen. Ever try to put out a fire with gasoline and a blow dryer?

Cancer is caused by the consumption of chemicals, so NO chemical or combination of chemicals will ever be the solution. That’s why allopathic medicine is one of the worst ways to treat cancer, and also one of the main causes. Let’s take an inside look at what starts the “fire” and the fuel that spreads it.

Deny cancer its sources of fuel, and there won’t be a “forest fire” to try to put out later — avoid these top 10 cancer fuels

#1. Never eat sodium nitrates (processed meats)

#2. Avoid or filter tap water

#3. Stop eating GMOs

#4. Quit using artificial sweeteners

#5. Don’t buy or eat conventional meat (hormones, antibiotics, parasites, pathogens)

#6. End all processed (homogenized) dairy product consumption

#7. See if a naturopathic physician can get you off any and all chemical pharmaceuticals

#8. Never ever get another flu shot (as vaccines almost always contain cancer-causing ingredients such as stealth viruses like SV40)

#9. Eliminate all foods from your intake that are imported from China (they’re often loaded with heavy metal toxins)

#10. Always ignore the mass “mainstream” media because they lie about everything that’s good for you and they promote everything that’s bad for you

There are always healthy options to everything Big Food and Big Pharma have made toxic, you just have to know where to look

Sodium nitrates are used to kill wild boars. Little tablets are used as bait and because the pigs don’t sweat like humans, the toxins can’t escape. Imagine how toxic sodium nitrates and nitrites are too all animals, they just take longer to kill certain species. Avoid hot dogs, bacon, deli meats and sausage at all costs. Check out liquid aminos, organic tamari, and organic garlic for spicing up your meals.

Tap water contains a powerful and deadly insecticide called sodium fluoride. It also contains other people’s medications, heavy metal toxins, and chlorine. You can buy an inexpensive water filtration system for your home and save thousands of dollars in the long run – it’s called Big Berkey and it’s the best on the market for the money.

Consuming genetically modified organisms means you’re eating chemical forms of bug killer and weed killer. Are you a bug or a weed? There is no way to prevent cancer if you eat chemicals all day, every day.

Artificial sweeteners trick your body into ingesting them, thus altering your cells. Don’t mutate your cells on purpose, because they will fight you later. Knowledge is power so use it.

There is a monstrous difference between conventional meat and organic. Organic won’t contain hormones or antibiotics, and the animals will not have been fed GMO corn, soy and alfalfa. You are what you eat, so don’t eat cancer. Plus, CAFO meat is usually ridden with pathogens and parasites from the unkempt quarters where they suffer, including cows, chickens, turkeys and pigs.

Conventional dairy products come from CAFO cows also, and then they’re processed through pasteurization and homogenization in order to remove some of the toxins and most of the nutrition, while adding new toxins.

Prescription medications, taken “as directed,” have killed more Americans than every war in history put together. Many pharmaceutical meds are opiate-based now, meaning you’re taking a diluted form of heroin.

Vaccines contain neurotoxins that humans should never even touch or eat, much less inject into muscle tissue. Beware of mercury (loaded in flu shots), formaldehyde, and infected African Green monkey kidney cells. Read the vaccine insert before even considering “immunizations.”

Even certified organic foods that are imported from China are loaded with heavy metal toxins from massive industry pollution. The USDA does not regulate this atrocity.

Go to for real news on healthy food versus toxic food. Only YOU can prevent cancer “fires.”

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